Атмосфера маленького сообщества — Small community atmosphere

What can I tell you about my school? First of all, it’s not a school. It’s a lyceum. I have been studying in lyceum №1547 for 1 year and 3 weeks.

I love this lyceum very much because you can feel freedom here. We have some excellent teachers of English, Russian, Maths and Physics, so we can get good education here. But I love my lyceum not only for its teachers and education.

I love it for its special atmosphere.

First of all the teachers don’t only teach you, they understand you and help. Then, all pupils have much in common. The third thing is that we take part in our lyceum life. I think it was an original and useful decision to give us the right to organize our life in lyceum.

And I can say, that I have never been afraid of studying here, and every day I come in my lovely lyceum in a good mood. I am only afraid that soon I will finish my life in lyceum.

I feel great gratitude to our headmaster. I thank him for our lyceum.

Умные слова! — Smart words!

Have you ever made up your own smart words? My answer is «yes, I have». For instance, something comes of something. It means if you do something you will get something.

It is like feedback. My instructor of physiology says all the time: «nothing question, nothing learn.». I agree with him that is why I am really curious and inquisitive and ask a lot of questions.

My favorite one is «Practice makes perfect». Though practicing you can achieve what you ever want.

If you fail in something and you loose your inspiration those smart words can help you: «Do what you can, with what you have, where you are». Those smart words or phases give me food for mind and make me think a lot. You can try to do it, too. Finally, my motto is:


Means who gets the opportunity,

Brilliant means who create the opportunity,

Winner means who use the opportunity,

Be a winner always.

Атмосфера маленького сообщества — Small community atmosphere