Відповідь Вправа 1, стор. 64

1. Is the USA the richest and one of the most developed countries in the world? . 2. Is the territory of the USA large? . 3. What oceans is the USA washed by? . 4. What is the population of the USA? . 5. Is the climate different in different parts of the USA? [Yes, it is. The climate is different in different parts: from a polar climate in Alaska to a continental in the greater part of the country, and subtropical and tropical in the south of the USA). 6. Is New York the capital of the USA? . 7. What mineral resources is the country very rich in? . 8. What are the largest cities in the USA? . Word List mineral resources — корисні копалини

Coal — кам’яне вугілля oil — нафта uranium — уран ferrous and non-ferrous metals ores — руди чорних і кольорових металів

Вправа 2, стор. 64 — was at the cinema yesterday. — Who was at the cinema yesterday? — Was 1 at the cinema yesterday? — When was I at the cinema? — Where was 1 yesterday? — Was I at the cinema or at the theatre yesterday? — I was at the cinema yesterday, wasn’t I?

Відповідь Вправа 1, стор. 64